Yes it is true waxing has become a more common and popular alternative for removing unwanted hair. Whether it is the legs, armpits, eyebrows, upper lip or even more sensitive areas (and private) both men and women are choosing this service as a longer-lasting hair removal. We’ve pulled together all …Continue Reading
Wonders of the Chia Seed
Chia (pronounced chee’ah), is the richest and only unprocessed, whole food source of pure Omega3. A member of the mint family, Chia is native to Central America and has been used traditionally for over 3000 years. It is considered an Aztec superseed! Due to its high fiber content (35%+) Chia …Continue Reading
What Defines You
Life can be an illuminating journey. As we move through the years of our being, our perceptions take form and are based on our interpretations of events in our lives. Our life takes colours and shades according to the filters that were established by our experiences, thus we live through …Continue Reading
Healthy & Hydrated
Summer is a great time to start thinking about the liquids you drink. From water to patio margaritas we often consider beverages to be separate from our actual nutrition. Our hydration determines how we clearly think, how energized we feel and even affects our body’s hunger signals. Most people need …Continue Reading
Swimsuit Season and Dieting
It’s scary. After months of rich comfort foods and serious couch time with a great season of TV… the sun comes out. Clothes are lighter, tighter and smaller. For some people this is not a worry. They maintain healthy exercise habits and a balanced diet throughout the winter, even through …Continue Reading
Are You a Busy Professional Woman? Bust Your Stress with Bio-Energy Healing!
TO DO TODAY: Meetings, projects, family, friendships, romance, education and professional development, financial planning, personal development, exercise… time for me? An abundant life filled with dynamic interpersonal relationships and circumstances is something to be grateful for. However, managing all these aspects of life in the limited time frame of 24 …Continue Reading
Naturopathic Medicine 101
Welcome to your introduction to Naturopathic Medicine! This is Dr. Briana Peddle, the resident Naturopathic Doctor at Elements Wellness Centre. While Naturopathic Medicine is becoming more and more popular, there is still some mystery and misunderstandings surrounding it’s philosophy and practice. This blog will serve to give you a basic …Continue Reading
Flu Prevention
The Flu is a viral infection that we all try to avoid every fall and winter. The fever, body aches, headache, dry cough, and sore throat can knock you out for 1-2 weeks, which not only means feeling terrible, but also means missing work, family gatherings or social events. Are …Continue Reading
The Benefits of Getting a Massage
Many people enjoy the feeling of a good massage after a long day at work or school. What they probably do not know is how beneficial getting a massage can be. Massages are good for people who want to relieve stress, treat an injury, relax or reduce pain. For whatever …Continue Reading
What to Buy Organic?
How do you know what to buy organic? Okay so the debate is on going… do you buy organic fruits and vegetables or not? Well at Elements Wellness Centre we recommend not only buying organic but also buying local when possible. We have complied a list of fruits and vegetables …Continue Reading