Ionic Footbath Vancouver

Ionic Footbaths are no longer offered at Elements Wellness Centre

Please visit our Wellness Services page to view all current services.

People have reported Ionic foot baths to assist in the following areas:

  1. Enhancing the immune system
  2. Assist in recovery time from injuries and surgery
  3. Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
  4. Improves sleep pattern


We have created a luxurious relaxing Ionic Foot Bath room at Elements Wellness Centre for you to enjoy. We have an individual session rate or you can purchase one of our packages…great for those who love a savings!

How does the ionic foot bath work?

Ionic foot baths actually are very simple, which is part of the appeal. Warm water is added to a small tub with enough room for both feet. Once the tub is filled, the water goes through a process of ionization. Ionization takes the atoms within the water and converts them into ions with a negative electric charge. This electrical current is not dangerous; it tends to produce a pleasant tingling in the feet.

As the bath begins to charge, the feet are placed within the tub. Within just a few minutes, these negative particles create an environment where the bodies’ natural, daily process of cell waste removal begins to speed up. The process does not actually “pull” the cell waste from the body. Rather, the negative ions within the water assist in speeding up the bodies’ innate removal software.

Do you feel any pain or discomfort during or after your session?

No, you shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort during your foot bath, you may feel a slight tingling through your leg or what we like to refer to as ‘energy’. After the foot bath you should feel energetic and/or revitalized but very relaxed and look forward to a great night sleep!!

How often can you have an ionic foot bath and how long are the sessions?

You can have an ionic foot bath as close as every other day. It is not recommended to have a foot bath everyday. Once or twice a week is ideal. The session lasts about 30-45 minutes.

What should I do before or after the foot bath?

An important part of using this system is to make sure you are properly hydrated. Drink plenty of good water before and during the session is very important as well as the use of colloidal minerals and electrolytes. This ensures better conductivity.

Who can not use the ionic foot bath?

The ionic foot bath is not recommended during pregnancy or while nursing, for those who have pacemakers, heart conditions, metal or organ transplants, those who have open sores on their feet or for those who have consumed alcohol or taken prescription drugs or blood thinners one hour prior to treatment.