Grant Smith is no longer with Elements Wellness Centre.
Please visit our Wellness Practitioners page to view all current practitioners.Grant Smith, RMT

After many years of postural pain and discomfort from computer based work, retail work and repeated sports injuries. I decided to change career direction and study extensively how to be pain free and resilient to injury. I have used the knowledge gained to manage my own postural and injury pain and also have a positive impact on pain and injury in others. I use a variety massage techniques including NMT (neuromuscular Therapy), MFR (myofascial release), deep tissue work, trigger point release, sports massage, pin and stretch, joint mobilizations and hydrotherapy.
I have experience in treating patients with a variety of orthopedic conditions such as headaches, torticollis, carpal tunnel, scoliosis, parkinson’s, thoracic outlet syndrome, degenerative disc disease, (TMJD) temporomandibular joint dysfunction, scar tissue, whiplash, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, tendonitis, sprains, strains, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, sciatica, neurological conditions such as fibromyalgia and other pain related conditions. My goal is to develop a well – rounded treatment plan to help clients retain the maximum benefit of their massage appointment, helping them achieve their health and wellness goals. I am originally from Australia and enjoy playing and watching rugby union, swimming, surfing, soccer, and running. On my days off I am usually hiking the many trails that are on offer in North Vancouver, Squamish and Whistler. I am always exploring the field of massage therapy and participate in continuing education that will help broaden my knowledge and skills.